Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Everything is Miscellaneous

I actually enjoyed the reading of David Weinberger's book, "Everything is Miscellaneous." His view made a lot of sense. I tested his theories for myself while writing the essay that was due. When I searched through the library all I could get was information on where the book was and if it was available. When I searched the book online, I got book reviews, blogs, where to purchase etc.. David Weinberger has his own blog! I loved it! It was incredibly useful in helping me with my paper. I couldn't use the information as 'research' per se, but it was beneficial to me to read others take on his ideas and their opinions on how they felt it would or would not work for the library. How wonderful it would be if the library offered this information to their users. Just because it wasn't peer-reviewed information, or the librarian felt it wasn't useful information, doesn't make it so. Like Weinberger pointed out, let the user decide.