Monday, October 11, 2010

Healthcare, taxes, dems and reps

First let me say that both sides are all crooks and liars, if you have any doubts, take a couple of history classes. Everyone is out for their own agenda and to gain personal wealth. When we vote we have the agonizing chore of picking who we think is the lesser of two evils.
What gets me upset is the phrase, ' taxing the hard working people of America' So, we are all out for ourselves? Is it survival of the fittest? We shouldn't care about those who can't? Of course there are those who won't, but what about the ones who can't?

We are all made differently. Some have the ability to go to school and excel and make it to doctor level, CEO level, etc... but there are those that do not have that capacity. So, what? We say, I have worked hard for this money and for all stuff, sorry you can't do the same, but that's not my problem. What, no health care for you, oh well, not my problem.
I have no problem paying taxes so my neighbors kids can have health care coverage. I feel sick to my stomach when I hear of health care companies trying to find loopholes so they don't have to cover
sick children! Really, this is the society I live in? This is a "Christian" nation. Are we not supposed to love our neighbor as ourselves? Don't get twisted by the politcs, it comes down to humanity!
Why are we providing free healthcare to Iraqis and feeding Africa but our own people are starving and dieing because they can't afford to go to the doctor? Wake up and smell the stink people.
No one in Washington is innocent. I am not defending Obama or the dems or the reps. They all want what is best for them. And if you are not making more than $250, 000 a year, and your a republican, you are shooting yourself in the foot!
Its about people and taking care of each other so we have a prosperous, harmonious country. I am not dilusional about utopia but the hate and separation could be minimized if we weren't all thinking with our pocket books.
I just don't get the being upset about being taxed to help others. It comes out to, what $50 a month approximately? To insure every American, what a deal. I pay $35 a month to support one child in Africa. I say, sign me up.

1 comment:

  1. I don't support a kid in Africa or anywhere else for that matter but I did once donate to a charity for former prostitutes. comparison.
